Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network
2023-2024 Recordings
Global Embodiment Gathering:
Kirvah / Kinship / קִרְבָה
June 20, 2023 | 4th Annual Network Launch | Event Details
Guided by Julie Emden, Aliza Rothman, Idelle Packer, Rabbi Laurie Matzkin,
Interfaith Minister Miriam Rubin, Kohenet Nancy Wolfson, Rabbi Rishe Groner,
and Reb Simona Aronow.
Embodying the Wholeness of Brokenness
Guided by Rivkah Coburn
July 20, 2023 | Av Community Gathering | Event Details
Dance our brokenness as a way to deepen into the possibility of wholeness and healing that can emerge in the re-building of our inner Temple.
T’shuva (תשובה): Return to
Health for Body, Mind & Spirit
with Kohenet Sephirah Oshkello
August 18, 2023 | Elul Community Gathering | Event Details
Together we will engage with tools you can use for the month of Elul as we prepare for the New Year with reflection and renewal. Register for Sephirah’s program here.
Embody Your Unique Design in the New Year
with by Bri Rubin
September 12, 2023 | Tishrei Community Gathering | Event Details
Rosh HaShanah is a time of realignment with creation and with the purpose of creation. As we are approaching the High Holidays, reflecting on the past year and contemplating how we would like to show up and what we would like to create in the year ahead, HD can serve as a powerful ally in this process!
Breathing Together in Heshvan:
Integrating the Work of the High Holy Days
Guided by Rabbi Diane Elliot
October 16, 2023 | Heshvan Community Gathering | Event Details
After the great exhale of the High Holy Day season of teshuvah, when we dig deep into our souls and pour out our hearts in prayer and song, Heshvan quietly arrives, devoid of holy day celebrations, affording us space to inhale deeply, to let go and let be. In this session, Rabbi Diane will offer meditative somatic experiences designed to integrate the spiritual transformations of Elul, the Days of Awe, and the joyful harvest of Sukkot.
Kislev כִּסְלֵו: Supporting our Tender Hearts
Guided by Julie Emden, Aliza Rothman & Ilene Serlin
November 14, 2023 | Kislev Community Gathering | Event Details
As we enter the month of Kislev, we come together in community to practice, gather our resources, inspire, and be inspired. The Hebrew word, כִּסְלֵו, hints to two Hebrew words: כִּיס (pocket) and לֵב (heart). As we hold our tender hearts close, in our pockets, we will engage in gentle and grounding yoga, open floor dance, and community conversation about our use of embodiment as a source of support to our hearts at this time.
Listen to The Walk Home Niggun by Eliana Light here.
Check out our leaders' bios at our EJW public directory here.
Holding the Light - Hanukkah Gathering
with Miriam Raziel Kanani, Scott Shalom Green, Aaron Nankin & Julie Emden
December 14th, 2023 | Hanukkah Community Gathering *open to all* | Event Details
Song, Movement, Candle-Lighting & Community for the Final Night of Hanukkah. In the Jewish mystical tradition, our sages teach that when we light the Hanukkah candles, we rekindle an eternal hidden light (אוֹר הַגָּנוּז/Or HaGanuz) that is always present within the world and within each of us. Join us in community with song, gentle movement and contemplative candle lighting for the final night of Hanukkah.
Embodying the Tree of Life
Eytz Chayim / עץ חיים
with Reb Simona Aronow
January 9, 2024 | Shvat Community Gathering | Event Details
As we enter the month of Shvat and celebrate the sap beginning to rise inside the trees , we will embody and learn from the tree, the Eytz Chayim. Individually and in community, we open to receiving guidance through her roots, trunk branches and leaves.
Opening song: She is a tree of Life - Daniela Gesundheit
Movement Song: Tree of Life / Eitz Chayim - Yael illah
Embodying Our Majesty in Adar | אדר
Revealing Vulnerability, Restoring Sovereignty & Reveling in Joy
with Karen Cohen Gibbons
February 8, 2024 | Adar I Community Gathering | Event Details
Come deepen meaning and connection to the themes, practices and messages of Purim. Through creative inquiry, embodied intelligence and authentic expression you will reveal and integrate your vulnerability, courage and joy!
Zumba of the Zohar:
Sasson | ששון(Joy),
Simcha | שמחה (Happiness)
and Salsa!
with Rachel Glazer
& Miriam Rubin
March 11, 2024 | Adar II Community Gathering | Event Details
“When Adar enters, joy increases.” Through the exuberance of Zumba, an aerobic fitness program inspired by Latin American and World dances, explore the dimensions of joy and secrets to happiness which our bodies already hold.
Everything Is New Above the Sun - התחדשות תמידית - Constant Renewal with Diane Bloomfield
April 9, 2024 | Nisan Community Gathering | Event Details
The Jewish people received the divine gift of constant renewal when they left Egypt. The Talmud teaches us that gifts that are given from Above are forever. In this session we will seek out the divine gift of renewal flowing through the Torah texts of chassidic masters and our beating hearts through study of holy teachings and the practice of yoga.
Embodying the Sefirot with Yoga Nidra:
A Healing Immersion with Suzanne Coffey
May 9th, 2024 | Iyar Community Gathering | Event Details
During the month of Iyar, we continue The Counting of the Omer and align ourselves with the divine attributes (Sefirot) of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Personally and collectively, we open to receive divine healing energy. In this session, Suzanne will offer a very gentle movement practice to prepare the body for sacred rest: a guided yoga nidra meditative journey incorporating song and blessing.