EJW Network Community Gathering:
Honoring Ilene Ava Serlin z"l
Thursday, March 13, 2025
10am PST | 1pm EST | 8pm ISR [60 mins]
Join us for one hour to honor and remember one of our beloved EJW Founding leaders, Ilene Ava Serlin, Yehudit bat Feigele bat Ettel, z"l, who left us and this world in November. Zichrona Livracha, her memory is a great blessing.
Ilene's devotional and inspiring leadership in the fields of Dance Therapy, Trauma Therapy, and Psychology is unparalleled, and our small EJW community was just one of the many organizations and projects to receive her attention, care and profound contributions.
Guided by EJW Founding Leaders Reb Simona Aronow, Rabbi Diane Elliot, and Kohenet Aliza Rivka.