EJW Network Community Gathering:
Tu B’Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025
10am PST | 1pm EST | 8pm ISR [90 mins]
Embodying Wholeness Through the Tree of Life.
Join Jenna Zadaka in a full-moon Tu B'Shevat breath-work and yoga practice through the roots, trunk, branches and fruit of your tree to embrace your Divine wholeness because, "Human is a tree of the field" (Deuteronomy 20:19).
Jenna Zadaka is an embodiment practitioner, trauma-informed somatic coach, educator in Jewish Mysticism and Mindfulness, author, and ceremonialist. She weaves spiritual, experiential, holistic, feminine, and earth-based wisdom into all of her offerings. Jenna believes in the power of each person’s inner-directed healing and trusts that the Divine Body allows us to discover the Source of Life through our flesh, reconnecting to our inherent joyous nature. She uses the pathways of somatics, spirituality and creative visualization for healing. A pillar of her approach to wellness includes receiving support from both our visible and invisible guides. As a celebrated teacher of Kabbalah, Yoga, and Mindfulness, Jenna humbly draws wisdom from her root-teachers and ancestors. Connect with her embodied teachings on Instagram @breathandsoul_Jenna and her websites awethenticroots.com
EJW Community Gatherings are offered quarterly as part of the Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network. Become a member to attend these events live, or to view after, and connect with our Jewish embodiment community!
Each meeting, different members of our collective guide us in creative, connective Jewish movement & embodied text study experiences. Embodiment modalities include Alexander Technique, Authentic Movement, Body-Mind Centering, Chanting, Dance, Embodied Mindfulness, Qi Gong, Yoga and more! Recordings are made available within one week of each event.