EJW Network Community Gathering
Masah (מַסָע): Journey through the Omer
Thursday May 12, 2022
10am PST | 1pm EST | 8pm Israel
Every other month we join together around a theme for embodied practice and to experience one another’s leadership. We will share teaching gems for the current season; capture new themes; acknowledge methods that we have found to be especially inspiring for us and our students. Each session is led by a few members of the collective and includes time for gathering in smaller groups to deepen our connection over time.
This month’s main practice will be Otiyot Chayot, taught by EJW Network Member Ellen Tobe.
Ellen Tobe is a practitioner of Otiyot Chayot (Living Letters). Otiyot Chayot is an embodied practice, consisting of Hebrew letter movements, loosely based on Tai Chi. This system was created by Yehudit Goldfarb, with whom Ellen has been blessed to study. Otiyot Chayot also includes movements for the vowels, mapped onto the 10 kabbalistic sephirot. Ellen's daily practice - her form of davvening - consists of climbing the ladder of the tree of life (the movement for each sphirah with the corresponding vowel sound), doing the entire aleph-bet, and then spelling out relevant words, phrases, and prayers that arise on a given day. Otiyot Chayot can also be used to count the Omer, with the combination of movements for the two sephirot of the day. Professionally, Ellen is a graphic designer and mixed media artist. Learn more at 4wdesign.com.
Community Gatherings are offered bi-monthly as part of the Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network. Become a member to attend these events live, or to view after, and connect with our growing community!
The Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network offers quarterly virtual events and community connection, inspiration and resource sharing for leaders and learners of Embodied Jewish Wisdom worldwide.