EJW Network Community Gathering
Moving & Breathing Ahava אהבה (Love) with Aliza Rothman & Laura Hegfield
Monday, February 14, 2022
10am PST | 1pm EST | 8pm ISR [90 mins]
Every other month we join together around a theme for embodied practice and to experience one another’s leadership. We will share teaching gems for the current season; capture new themes; acknowledge methods that we have found to be especially inspiring for us and our students. Each session is led by a few members of the collective and includes time for gathering in smaller groups to deepen our connection over time.
Community Gatherings are offered bi-monthly as part of the Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network. Become a member to attend these events live, or to view after, and connect with our growing community!
Aliza Rothman is a movement teacher and therapist, a mother, a traveler, and a seeker who is deeply connected to the earth and the cycle of the moon . She holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology and expressive arts therapy and is an open floor movement teacher. Aliza is passionate about embodying the Hebrew calendar though conscious dance. She also worked as a jewish educator for many years, bringing expressive arts and embodiment into her work with children, teens and adults. Aliza has recently been given the Title of Eshet Chen, Chesed V’rachamim: Woman of Grace, Lovingkindness and Compassion. www.alizarothman.com
Laura Hegfield has been a Jewish educator since 2001. She founded Menuchat Ha-Lev, a bi-monthly Shabbat morning meditation circle in 2014. As a certified Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, she draws inspiration from Torah and brings each parashah into present-moment lived experience. She is also a Yoga and Jewish Spirituality Teacher and Reiki Master. Laura has always been a singer and started writing music and lyrics at age 11. She serves her community in NH as a lay leader during the Yamim Noraim and through Healing Services several times each year, lifting her voice in prayer, in song, and love.
The Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network offers quarterly virtual events and community connection, inspiration and resource sharing for leaders and learners of Embodied Jewish Wisdom worldwide.